Ambassador Paula Dobriansky

This year, the Australian American Leadership Dialogue congratulated Ambassador Paula Dobriansky as its 2018 Honoree. Paula is a founding delegate to the Australian American Leadership Dialogue. A consistent champion of private diplomacy as a core component of effective multi layered engagement, Paula is an eloquent advocate of our commitment to community cohesion,

and of celebrating the diversity of Australian and American citizens as national assets. Paula is a rare example of efficacy in scholarship, strategic perspective and operational excellence. As a complement to her steadfast commitment to US official policy while serving in several United States Administrations, Paula has been a good listener and partner to

her Australian peer delegates in the Leadership Dialogue. Throughout her career, Paula has gifted the AALD with her collaboration, embodying the organisation’s philosophy of leadership in “creating new space in the service of others.” It is for these reasons, and so many more that the AALD congratulated its 2018 Honoree, Ambassador Paula Dobriansky.